Friday, 11 November 2011

Day 225 - Tauranga

DAY 225

The well known beach in Tauranga. After the oil spill from Rena its no longer as clean as used to be.

Day 224 - Boats

DAY 224

One reason why people want to goto Waiheke Is, the beach.

Day 223 - For someone important

SAY 223

Present for a important person :)

Day 222 - Rainbows End

DAY 222

Rainbows End. The only theme park in NZ

Monday, 7 November 2011

Day 221 - Dumb Shit

DAY 221

Dumb shit...ppl calls him..

Day 220 - Tripod Bag

DAY 220

(MON) New bag for my gear :D

Day 219 - Gracehill Vineyard

DAY 219

Gracehill Vineyard. Checking out the site where I will be returning here in 2 wks time for a wedding shoot.